Can't Be So Selfish

Jing Yao was different from her mom, Zhang Li, and even more different from him. She was not as domineering as Zhang Li, nor was she as scheming as him. She seemed to always be so simple and did not want much. She wanted the love of her parents and the warmth of her family.

Most people in the world were born with these things. She had longed for them since she was young, but she had never obtained them.

It was clearly easy to give it to her. Why had they been in a deadlock for so many years?

Jing Mo fell into a coma with this question that he could not understand.

Zhang Li watched as he closed his eyes and stopped moving. It was as if all his strength had suddenly been sucked out of him. He sat on the ground dejectedly. His past arrogance was gone. This woman, who had been proud all her life, was as lonely as a defeated peacock.