Bumping Into A Wall

"Big Brother said that he would help me find the best lawyer." Zhang Li looked at Zhang Ji pleadingly. "Second Brother, help me. I don't want to have anything to do with Jing Mo anymore. Big Brother is unwilling to help me. I can only beg you."

Zhang Ji's expression turned cold, and his voice turned colder. "How do you want Big Brother to help you? In the bureaucracy, the higher one's status is, the more they have to tread on thin ice. If Big Brother really agrees to this, he won't be able to pass Dad's test, let alone others."

Zhang Li looked a little embarrassed. She looked at Zhang Ji pleadingly. "But I want to throw up at the thought of my marital relationship with him. I feel like I'm better off dead, Second Brother."

Zhang Ji frowned deeply. He looked at Zhang Li and some scenes from his childhood appeared in his mind.