Desperate To Return

After two days of separation, even though the two of them contacted each other by phone when they were not busy every day, Jing Yao still felt uncomfortable even so.

This business trip was in China, unlike the time difference last time. The two of them had the same schedule.

Every time Liang Xun asked Jing Yao if she missed him, Jing Yao would pretend to be calm and say that she didn't. But in fact, the longing in her heart was like a seed that had fallen into fertile soil. It was lush and dense.

Liang Xun knew her personality very well. He had to tease her every time, but before she went to bed every night, he had to coax her for a long time. He would only hang up and sleep after he sensed that she was asleep and silently listened to the gentle breathing sound from the other end for half an hour.

According to the original plan, he actually had to wait for the day after the competition before going back.