It's All In The Past

"It's too cold to walk. Come up," Zhu Sui said.

Ji Wei paused. He was not used to Zhu Sui not retorting him.

"Why are you in a daze? Hurry up and come up." Zhu Sui urged when he saw that he was not moving.

Ji Wei suppressed the strange thoughts in his heart, opened the door of the front passenger seat, and got in.

"I thought you would go to the hospital to pick up Jing Yao from the hospital. Why didn't you come?" Zhu Sui saw that Ji Wei didn't say anything after sitting down. Ji Wei only slowly rubbed his frozen hands and took the initiative to find a topic to ask him.

Ji Wei tilted his head and glanced at him. He suppressed the strange thoughts in her heart and replied, "I'm going to the airport to send them off."

Zhu Sui nodded. "Your Grandpa and Grandma went back? Why didn't they stay in the country for a while longer?"