Using Power For Private Relations

"Didn't you put a stick in the corner? Get up and take it. Why did you hit me yourself?" Zhang Ji said with a pained expression. After saying that, he lowered his head and planned to blow on Yu He's red palm.

Zhang Jing and his wife were already used to the way the two of them interacted and were used to it.

However, with his brother and sister-in-law around, Yu He felt embarrassed.

She pulled her hand back and said, "No matter how solicitous you are, this scolding is inevitable."

Zhang Ji nodded repeatedly. "Sure, sure. But before you scold me, let me find some medicine to reduce the swelling for you."

As he spoke, he really got up and was about to look for medicine. Yu He's face burned and she grabbed him.

"I'll be fine in a while. Listen to me first."

Zhang Ji turned her hand around again and looked at it with heartache. He said, "Tell me, tell me. I'm listening."