I'll Bring You Back

Zhang Li sensed that Liang Xun sized her up coldly and immediately became even more nervous. She wanted to give Liang Xun a friendly smile, but she did not perform well. Her smile was very stiff.

Liang Xun's face was expressionless as he looked away, as if she did not exist.

Zhang Li's face heated up. She could not even look up at this embarrassment.

For nearly a minute, she did not dare to look up again, so she did not notice.

While she was lowering her head, Jing Yao had already coaxed Liang Jing and glanced at her.

In fact, Jing Yao had already sensed Zhang Li's existence. After all, Zhang Li had been looking at her with a complicated expression ever since she came in.

It was impossible for Jing Yao to ignore her gaze, which was filled with so many complicated emotions.