Future Plans

Sometimes, Liang Xun's reasons for jealousy were a little strange. After all, he was jealous when he saw Jing Yao being too close to his half-year-old son. He must be even angrier when he saw a strange man staring at Jing Yao.

However, the reason why he had such a big reaction this time was not only because he was jealous, but also because he felt that the male attendant was strange.

He looked at Jing Yao with confusion and inquiry. It didn't seem to be admiration or adoration, but more like he wanted to confirm something.

Shen Yu could tell too, so he did not dare to relax at all. He prepared to go down and ask the boss about the attendant after dinner.

If Liang Xun didn't come, Zhu Ling's attention would definitely be on Jing Yao. No matter what Shen Yu did, it was impossible for Zhu Ling to pay more attention to him.

It was different when Liang Xun came. With Liang Xun around, Zhu Ling would not pay much attention to Jing Yao.