What Does It Mean?

Ji Wei's gaze returned to Zhu Sui.

It was unknown what Zhu Sui and Shen Yu were talking about, but both of them had malicious smiles on their faces.

Liang Xun, who was standing closest to them, did not notice this because he was exchanging pleasantries with someone. However, Ji Wei saw it clearly.

Zhu Sui was in a completely different state when he was with his buddies than when he was with others. When he was with others, he was usually quiet and looked very mature and steady. It was different when he was with his brothers.

Lin Hao didn't hear Ji Wei talk for a long time. He kept looking in one direction with a serious expression, but it seemed that there was more than just seriousness. The emotions hidden in his eyes were too hidden and complicated. Lin Hao didn't understand them for a moment.

He only knew that he had never seen Ji Wei like this.