What Did This Mean?

Xing Shu's heart skipped a beat and she quickly looked away.

Nie Heng's voice continued, but Xing Shu could not hear what he was saying. He was probably asking Liu Chun and Feng Jian to apologize again. Then, the call was hung up, and the entire room fell silent. The cell phone was inexplicably hot in her palm.

Xing Shu's heart was in turmoil, but Cheng Lang stood up calmly. "There's an overseas video conference at 10 p.m.." He retrieved his cell phone. His fingertips were cold, extinguishing the warmth in Xing Shu's heart.

Cheng Lang was always so at ease. One second, he wanted it very much; but the next second, it did not matter. It was as if as long as he wanted to leave, he could leave easily. Xing Shu lowered her eyes. When she looked up again, there was a smile on her face. "President Cheng, you don't have any objections to me firing Feng Jian, right?"

Cheng Lang replied, "Let the HR Department know the reason for dismissal."