Looking for Trouble

Moreover, Xing Shu still had a trump card. She planned to announce it tomorrow night. It would depend on how far the Xing family would push her.

The Xing family intended to make the banquet a grand affair and sent out many invitations. They even specially emphasized that the Cheng family would be attending. Who in the capital did not want to get close to the Cheng family? All the invitations sent out had been accepted. The WeChat groups in the Beijing upper-class circle were also frantically guessing what might happen tomorrow night.

"Will Xing Shu appear? Cheng Xingyang probably hates to see Xing Shu now, right?"

"Cheng Xingyang aside… The Xing family finds out that they've raised Xing Shu—this bastard—for so many years, they must be furious."

"What a drama. I heard that Xing Shu's conduct is very unbecoming. She even admitted right to Cheng Xingyang's face that she was screwing another man behind his back."