Achieved Her Goal

In the car, Xing Linlin deliberately cozied up to Xing Zewu. She wanted to see how far Xing Zewu could go for her. After what happened last night, her reputation had been ruined. Cheng Xingyang did not even come to pick her up today. This was the first time Xing Linlin tasted defeat. All these years, she had been tainting Xing Shu's reputation and did not expect her efforts to come to nought in the end. She had to fight back. The first step of fighting back was to see how far Xing Zewu could go for her.

Xing Linlin turned her head with reddened eyes. She looked very sad. "Brother, Xing Shu was the one who told me to handle the donation paperwork back then. She told me to use my name. I didn't expect her to turn around and spin a different tale in the end. I was too naive. How could anyone treat me well for no reason? She must have known that I was the rightful daughter of the Xing family long ago, so she deliberately set me up like this."