hold me tight (or don’t).

Deep in thought, Damian pulled on his clothes and returned to the manor, heedless of the water he was dripping all over.

In his quarters, he toweled off, and found that the Duke's staff had washed and dried his uniform overnight. Unfortunately, nobody had thought to leave a butler on hand to assist with dressing him, so Damian was still struggling with his buttons when he heard a soft knock at the door.

"Who's there?" he called out, having just won the battle with his shirt.

"It's your most favorite and diligent maid in the whole wide world!"

A smile tugged at the corner of Damian's lips. 

"You're bright and chirpy this morning," he remarked, as Tia let herself into his quarters.

She shrugged, giving him an affable smile.

"There's nothing a hot bath and a good bed can't fix!"