(we) can’t save them all.

Astrid stayed the night in Damian's bedroom.

Once she was soundly asleep, he gathered Lynn and Tia in an unused bedroom. In brief, unembellished terms, he outlined what he'd learned—Nicholas' abuse, and the extent of Astrid's injuries.

As he spoke, Tia's expression turned from curiosity to abject horror, her face becoming a deathly shade of white. Lynn said nothing, but her jaw tightened until a muscle in her cheek spasmed.

"Nicholas must pay," the knight hissed, when Damian had finished. She leaned forward in her chair, embers dancing between her fingers. "We have the power to arrest him and drag him before the courts, and make sure he faces the proper punishment."

"And with what proof? Astrid's word is one thing, but Nicholas is a weasel. He'll claim that his sister has invented everything to slander his good name."

"You're a prince, are you not? I am Captain of the Flameguard and—"