our hearts connected.

The duke permitted a Priest to heal Damian's broken nose and set his cracked ribs, although since he was severed from the Flame, there was little they could do for his bruises and cuts. 

Damian washed the crusted blood from his face and stared at his reflection in the mirror. His hair was disheveled, there were dark shadows under his eyes, and bruises spread across his cheeks and down his neck. 

Is this what my other selves have been through? Is this why they all look so miserable, so defeated? Have they endured this loss and abuse and sacrifice?

Damian dried his face, then took several gulps of clean water. He was starving hungry and his throat was parched; for now he could only solve one of those problems. His clothes were torn and dirty, but he decided against changing. Every moment he wasted was only bringing Duke Andrew's ultimatum closer.

Outside the washroom, two Apostles awaited to escort Damian.