patriot, traitor, daughter, maid.

Leon was silent for a long while. 

The only noise in the room was Janus' low purring, and the occasional creak from the gas-powered fireplace. Then—

"—Fucking hell."

The spymaster set his mug on the desk and leaned forward, running a hand through his rust-red hair. He exhaled audibly, groaning aloud.

"So Blackbriar plans to use Damian in a guerrilla war against his enemies? I suppose that's one way to attract the defectors' attention. But with Damian's current mental state, he shouldn't be fighting anything, especially not after what happened in Lombrass…"

Tia hesitated, almost holding her tongue—but before she could stop herself, the words had spilled past her lips, soft and filled with regret.

"I think it's because  of Lombrass that Damian's doing this. He— Do you know how much he misses Astrid? How much her death has ruined him?"

Leon sighed and looked at her with hollow eyes.