the line I (wouldn’t) cross.

Damian paced back and forth in his quarters.

Like most everything else in this mysterious manor, the furniture was covered in a thick layer of dust, some of which Damian had swept aside out of idle boredom. Despite the modicum of freedom his captor permitted him, Damian was otherwise trapped inside this room, with two Apostles standing guard outside. 

Since he'd been wearing nothing but his bloodied, ripped clothes when he'd been abducted, the other Damian had provided a handful of clean clothes in a wardrobe. The future-borne Damian only seemed to be a few years older than Damian, making him the youngest version of his future selves that he'd encountered so far. As such, their clothing sizes were almost identical, and based on a quick sniff of the clothes, the future-borne Damian hadn't taken up smoking, either.