the bellwether.

Blackbriar's promised 'safe house' for the High Table turned out to be a casino operating in the upper end of Rosweiss.

Despite the early hour of the morning, the floor was filled with patrons; the air was rich with the intoxicating aroma of alcohol and cigarette smoke. Loud calls for deals and bets rang out, assailing Tia's ears as she followed her father into the establishment.

By Sidralian law, she couldn't wager until she turned eighteen—just a few days away now—and she felt security's eyes on her keenly. Since they were deep in the heart of Flame territory, there were no Apostles on staff, but neither did she sense a particularly religious aura from the guards or patrons. 

In fact, as Tia reached out with her Heavenly senses, she was surprised to find both religions intermingling freely.