kickback (1).

The two Damian Roswalds acted without hesitation.

For the first moment since the chaotic introduction of the interloper into this timeline, both Damians were synchronized, their souls aligned by the bloodlust on the breeze—the imminent threat to their lives and everything they held dear.

The future-borne Damian was closer to the door, and far more physically fit than his younger self. He sprang forward, an unspoken command calling the Apostles to life. The white-masked clergy pulled blades and spears from their own shadows, an instantaneous army ready for the former-Ninth Seat to lead.

"How powerful is Maria Frost?"

The question fell from Damian's lips as he jumped to his feet, Astrid's feather-blade in his grasp. He already knew she was feared by the Holy Order and the Collective alike—but if there was anybody whose combat assessment he trusted most, it was himself

The Interloper hesitated, a dark shadow passing over his face.