no going back now (seven trumpets).

A gray-haired man waited before the closed doors, hands clasped behind his back. 

On either side of him, two of the last remaining Flameguard in the palace stood at attention, swords blazing high. Here, at the very top of Rosweiss' tallest building, a thick silence blanketed the hallway, threatening to suffocate Lynn.

I've come so far. Do I have the courage to take these last few steps?

Lynn's breath caught in her throat. Her heart raged against her ribcage, the thin fragility of her mortal shell coming undone with the pressure of the waiting confrontation. The Flame that smoldered within her breast lent her power and strength, but the conviction was hers to master.

"I've been expecting you, My Lady."

The gray-haired Gunther Hern spoke first, enunciating each word crisply.