52: Café Outing

Gazing silently out the window on the right side of the room, I watched as countless hoary clouds wandered aimlessly across the vast expanse of the amber-lit sky, highlighted by the sky hovering ever-so-slightly above the distant horizon's edge.

It wasn't the first time I had witnessed such a scene, but despite having been living on the outside for almost ten years now, I found it a difficult sight to grow accustomed to.

My eyes flicking from what could easily belong in some famous panorama painter's oeuvre to the wall-mounted analogue clock inside the classroom, I started to pack my things, going unnoticed as the rest of the class upheld the last of their needed concentration.

It's about time.


Following the resounding toll of the bell that signified the end of the lesson, the teacher swiftly brought the lecture to an end and dismissed the class, wrapping up for the day.