59: Walk in the Park

The Absolute Contract was relatively simple, and could thus be summarised in 5 sentences:

1. Selina would use her Measurement to protect me and others I want her to, to the best of her ability, and at any time I require and/or request it.

2. I would provide Selina with a sense of 'freedom' as well as the ability to socialise with others her age by personally guaranteeing the security of both her person and personal information, ensuring that she is not harmed and that information does not leak to a third party.

3. I would not exploit the use of her Measurement, identity, or personal information in any way, and I would not leak any information about her to a third party.

4. Any and all contact between Selina and I has to be moderated and monitored by Minami Mochizuki.

5. I would be responsible to ensure all conditions on my side are upheld―if any are deemed to have been broken, then the contract is annulled and I will die.