Interlude: Trick-or-Treat?

I wasn't very well-versed in many sorts of traditional events around the world as I held no particular interest in them. This meant I knew close to nothing about such rituals or practices that most people took part in during these times.

The same can be said for customs such as "Trick-or-treating".

Once I had asked the Measurement of Truth about it, I had gathered that it was a traditionally odd thing where people would go around to others' houses and demand confectionery from them in return for not bringing them misfortune.

In other words, extortion.

It was a rather frightening prospect, and I certainly couldn't understand why children would find such a thing nothing more than entertaining.

If you could scare someone enough with threats, you would be rewarded?

I first wondered why I, of all people, had never known about such a thing before, but then moved on to wonder why kids were being taught such destructive values in the postmodern world.