Siddarth Sahoo

~ Five year later ~

It's been five years till I got reicarnated in Pokemon world. In this world, my name is Siddarth Sahoo and I have beautiful long purple hair and same colour eyes. Sahoo is my family name while Siddarth is my first name, but you can call me Sid. Currently, I live in Kalos region with my family.

"Sid come, breakfast is ready."

"Coming mom."

She is my mom, Rubina Sahoo. Just like me, she has beautiful purple hair and purple eyes. I got my beauty from my mother. She is said to be the best lawyer in the whole kalos region and a top world class beauty. I am sure of it.

"Good morning Sid. Come have breakfast."

"Yes dad."

He is my dad, Roy Sahoo. He have brown hair with grey eyes and a lite beard of brown colour. He is the CEO and majority shareholder of the 'Roy Group' which my grandfather started. His name was Vikram Sahoo.

Unfortunately, he died before I was born and my grandmother died before him.

Roy Group is a multi work group, as it does explorations, research, shipping, etc. and my father is second most richest man in the world after Leon, who is a current World Pokemon Champion.

So currently, our family only consist of me, mom and dad.

As for who are wondering, yes I have retained my memories from my previous life. It looks like the gift Aphrodite mentioned was this.

But I am happy with my life now, I have friends although not human but pokemon. As I can't or I can say I didn't want to go out right now. I want to spend as much time as I can with my family.

Yesterday, father brought many eggs and he told me that I have to take care of them. I am excited because, I can't even remember how many time I nagged my parents for it.

Now, they brought me dozens but told me I can mostly choose three pokemon form them and others will go to regional professor who will give them to new trainers.

Have I mentioned that how rare it is to get a regional starter pokemon? Due to having a low birth rate, about nine trainers are given regional starter pokemon per year and there are thousands of them per year in a region.

And other thing is that there is no four move set rule meaning a pokemon can learn lots of moves and pokemon trainers can carry as much pokemon around as they want.

Well, that's a lots of Information, moving on let me tell you which are the pokemon eggs I am taking care of.

The first one is a froakie egg, second one is of bulbasaur, third one is of Charmander, fourth is of squirtle, fifth is treecko, sixth is torchic, seventh is mudkip, eight is chimchar, ninth is piplup, tenth is rowlet, eleventh is litten, twelfth is grookey, thirteenth is scorbunny, fourteenth is sobble and two more egg which even reaserchs of Roy Group are unable to find out. So they contain something we don't know.

One is completely black, it is so black that it can't be seen in dark and other is also black as other. Only difference is that is has red stripes across it.

So in total, I have to take care of sixteen eggs. It won't be easy and after they hatch, it's going to become even harder.

If you are wondering about my education, I am taught at home, either by my mom or dad or private tutor they hire to teach me.

I also have my personal room in which, there is a king size bed, a t.v covering almost entire wall of the room and various other things. We also have a garden of almost 5 kilometres in size.

I like the privilege of being rich. Not that I am bragging, I am just starting facts. I am sure everyone wants to be a multi-millionaire.

Well, I just spend my days as usual watching t.v playing games and colouring books or talk to the servants of our home. It's not like I have anything else to do.


~Time skip~

After one month


I heard the sliding door of my room open which leads to the garden of our house and my mom's pokemon come in.

It's a Chesnaught.

My mom was also a trainer and made it up to top 10 in Kalos league and top 3 in Hoenn league. I am not saying that Hoenn league is more easy than Kalos league, at that time my mom had more experience as a pokemon trainer.

They also told me that there are minimum 300 pokemon trainers participate in a single pokemon league. Which made me think that Ash may have made it as high as he got due to plot armour.

No personal hate for Ash but I think my mom could have won multiple league's with a little plot armour not much of it, only a little bit.

Moving on, as I saw Chesnaught was standing on my door, I got on my feet and walked up to him. Yeah he is a boy.

"Is it time?" I asked him.

"Naught" it said moving it's head in agreeing manner.

As he said it, I moved close to him and he picked me in his arms.

After he picked me up, he started moving towards where the pokemon eggs were placed.

As we arrived, my mom and dad were already there.

"Has it started yet" I asked moving close to my mom.

"Not yet. But it's starting." my mom replied

"It looks like I made it in time."

"Yes you did, Sid" my mom said patting my head.

My mom took my in her embrace as the eggs started to glow.

Every pokemon fan knows what it means.

It's going to hatch.

After sometime, almost all of the eggs started glowing. They produced shuch bright lights that can be seen even from outside of our property.

The shining eggs shine begin to dim as cracks started to appear around In their egg.

The first one to come out was a bulbasaur next was treecko right after treecko came out, chimchar, squirtle, charmander, litten and scorbunny came out almost at the same time.

Soon torchic, mudkip, piplup, rowlet, grookey also came out respectively.

"It looks like you did a good job while taking care of their eggs Sid. They in good condition and very healthy." dad said after examining the pokemons that hatched recently.

"But dad, what about those three?" I asked pointing at the black, black and red and froakie egg.

"Some eggs need more time to hatch and some egg a layed late causing them to hatch later. Now you have to take care of there thirteen pokemon with those three eggs.

Are you up for the challenge?" Dad said looking towards me

"Yes, I am ready." If I want to be a successful pokemon trainers then I must learn how to manage such amount of pokemons first.