Nebby's Kidnapped

The next day,

I woke up and did my daily activities before going down to take breakfast. The breakfast went as normal because I already discussed everything with Rita and Serena about what happened.

Last night when I came back, both Rita and Serene loaded me with questions but I could see that they were really worried about me so I told everything that happened yesterday.

After knowing about that, they both were angry at Faba for what he did and had disgust at him. I obviously didn't told them about me and Lillie sleeping together or it would have led to another talk and I didn't wanted to do that because I was eating.

After talking breakfast, I went to the pokemon school with Serena and Nebby.


After I reached the classroom, I noticed that Lillie was hugging Mallow's bounsweet and Sophocles' Togedemaru??? I was shocked to see this and it looks like Serena is also by judging by her facial expressions.

It's good but extremely fast development judging by that she wasn't able to touch even her own pokemon just yesterday. It looks like the Lillie yesterday and today are totally different person.

"What are you both here standing for?" we heard professor kukui's voice behind us but as he saw what we were seeing, even he was shocked.

"That's why" I said

"Well, that's a rather...."

"Quick development" I spoke, completing what he was saying

"Yes. I didn't expected this after I saw her state yesterday" professor kukui spoke

"Nither do I" I also agreed with him

"Hey Sid, why are you standing there for?" Mallow said, shifting everyone's attention towards us.

"Not anything in particular. Just noticed the recent developments which are indeed good but also shocking" I said

"Hmm, is it really shocking for you even through you were with her almost the whole day, yesterday" Mallow asked

"She was obviously not like this when I left" I said looking at Lillie. When I looked towards her, she turned her head to another side. I think that she is embarrassed about what happened yesterday

"Anyway, Good morning guys" I said entering the classroom

"Ok, take your seats for class" professor kukui spoke.

We all took our seats and the classes started.

The classes went as usual but in our breaktime, whenever I tried to talk to Lillie, she escaped.

"I didn't knew she would ignore you after how much you have done for her" Sophocles spoke

"Is it" I asked with an amused smile. He always have fun in situations like this but not today

"Yeah. You helped her the whole day but she didn't even thanked you" Sophocles spoke with a grin

"Hey Lillie, Sophocles is saying that you are ungrateful and hate me" I shouted towards were Lillie was standing.

"I-I didn't said anything like that" Sophocles spoke

"Obviously you did" I said with the grin same as he was showing earlier.

"Is it true" Lillie asked

"Yeah. He even said that you hate me" I said, not giving Sophocles any time to speak.

"No, it's not that" Lillie said

"Then why are you ignoring me?"

"Because of what happened yesterday"

"Oh. Actually, I also wanted to talk about that"

"What you wanna talk?" Lillie asked, blushing a little

"Maybe later. I don't think that we could talk freely here" I said as I observed everyone surrounding us

"Yeah, you are right" Lillie said


During the daily activity period,

We were all in the ground of the pokemon school and we were doing some exercises as Lillie was playing with pokemon.

"It seems that she is having fun" Serena said

"She definitely is" I replied looking towards Lillie

I soon saw Gladion coming towards us while I saw talking to Serena.

"I didn't expect to see you here" I said walking towards Gladion, grabbing everyone's attention

"I am here because Faba is still on run. So are you guys ok?" Gladion asked

"Oh shit" I yelled before seeing that Nebby was nowhere to be found

"What happened?" Serena asked, panicking

"Nebby is not here" I said

"You mean...."

"Yeah. Faba kidnapped Nebby" I said

"Hey look there" Mallow yelled

When we saw where Mallow was pointing, we saw Nebby teleporting Faba.

"Where would he have taken Nebby?" Lana asked

"I think I have a guess" I said


Right now, we are heading towards Aether Paradise in the private chopper Lillie and Gladion arranged and drived by one and only Hobbes. I wonder how many skills he has.

We soon reached Aether Paradise and rushed inside. We soon met Lusamine, Wicke and Professor Burnet on our way inside.

"Did you find him?" I asked

"Yes. He is in the restricted area" Wicke replied

"Follow me" Lusamine said, leading the way to where that bastard Faba is.

We soon reached where Faba is and we saw Nebby trapped in a football size glass container which seems to be blocking Nebby's powers to open an Ultra Warmhole.

"Frogadier use cut and free Nebby from that cage" I said, throwing out frogadier's pokeball as Nebby is clearly in pain but before frogadier could attack, he was lifted in air.

"Faba" Gladion shouted in anger

"Now, Now. Let me show you all some interesting thing" Faba said

"Not interested. Now hand over Nebby or it will most probably be the last mistake of your life" I said, threatening him as all girls were shocked about my this behaviour because they have never seen me like this.

"Tch. Brats like you won't understand the power of an Ultra Beast. They are truly magnificent and powerful. Take this Beast for example"

"Nebby is no beast. The beast here is only you old man who has lost his most common thing" I said, interpreting Faba.

"Oh, what is it?" Faba asked with a curious look

"Common sense. No matter how good or powerful those Ultra Beasts are but they are from a different place in this universe. They are there because they are not made to be here but why am I wasting my time talking to an idiot.

Darkrai, come out and use Dark Void and Dream Eater on Alakazam and frogadier use cut to destroy that cage and bring Nebby back" I said