
The same day as Sid and others was gone to Pokemon Centre for work experience,

At Aether Foundation,

All were searching for a way to revert the effects of the liquid on Lusamine and Wicke. Olivia declined taking treatment but she was still helping them in the reaserch of an antidote. Everyone was working diligently till one of the workers came and informed Lusamine about the arrival of the Police in Aether Foundation so Lusamine immediately left the reasearch lab along with Wicke to know about the reason of police visiting Aether Foundation.

"Hello police officers" Lusamine greeted them while taking her seat

"So the rumours about miss Lusamine becoming a child were true" The head police officers said while taking the seat infront of Lusamine

"Unfortunately yes. So, what do the Arther Foundation did for Police to visit them?" Lusamine asked

"You don't know?" Police officer asked back

"About what?"

"Miss Lusamine, the shareholders of the Aether Foundation have died. Other than you and three more shareholders, all of them died" the police officer said in a grim voice

"What?" Lusamine asked in a surprised tone

"Yes" the police officer confirmed

"How did they die?" Lusamine asked again

"All of them were victims of the Sharpedo school crossing but one of them became victim of a Wailord school" the police officer explained

"Thanks for letting me know officer"

"Your welcome miss Lusamine but we are investigating the case as it is a murder case, so many people died and there was something common in between them"

"Aether Foundation" Lusamine said

"Correct. Miss Lusamine, if anyone of them died the share would have gone to Boris but now that even Boris died the share are to be equally divided between the remaining shareholders so, you are also one getting profit in it" the police officer explained

"So are you saying that I am the one who did it" Lusamine said in a angry and threatening tone

"No,no, don't misunderstand us miss Lusamine. You are not under suspiciton" police officer said in a threatened tone but

"Rather, all of the presently alive shareholders are under suspiciton. I mean it's not a small matter that such big shots of their field died so casually and the dot that connects all of them is, Aether Foundation. So I hope you give us your cooperation, miss Lusamine" the police officer said while his tone changed threatening and his eyes turned sharp

"Hmm, ok. I will try to cooperate as much as I can but I also have to deal with my problems so don't expect too much" Lusamine spoke after a staring compitition happened between them

"Well, thank you for your time and I look forward to our cooperation" the police officer said before leaving.

"Sir, it doesn't look like Lusamine did anything" said one of the officer to the one who was conversating with Lusamine

"I also think the same and even if she wanted to do it, she might have done it earlier" the police officer replied

"But sir, there are also a chance that she didn't found the right opportunity to do it" another officer also gave his theory

"True, but she may even lose her position as chairwoman right now and she is trying her best to save it. She doesn't have time for doing thing like this"

"But sir, why are we taking this so seriously? I mean that the once who were killed were also not good guys and some of them are the worst of all" asked one female officer

"As it is true that they are not good guys, it's also true that they held a high position in the society.*Sigh* So we have to it" the police officer said while sighing

"Lisa, send me all the information about all of the shareholders of Aether Foundation" the police officer ordered the female officer

"Yes sir" the female officer said as they left the Aether Foundation


*Sigh*"Why all of this happening and why at the same time?" Lusamine mumbled

"Take it easy Lusamine. This time will also pass" Wicke said while patting Lusamine's shoulder

"How can I take it easy Wicke? Not to mention that I might have lost even my children"

"I know Lusamine but remember that everytime, there was Sid to save us"

"Yeah, honestly, I don't even know how much I owe him. If he was not there, I might have lost everything"

"Lusamine, do you know why Olivia declined to revert back to adult if we manage to make an antidote of this condition"


"Because she likes the same boy"

"You mean Sid?"

"Yes, you both like him so why can't you remain like Olivia"

"Because Lillie also..... wait, what?"

"So you finally accepted it"

"What no. Not with Sid"

"You have made boundaries with everyone after Mohn disappeared. Even with your childrens but I have seen it Lusamine, the way he treats you makes you feel like he is your someone"

"WICKE, you know Lillie like her and even after that. I have already hurt my daughter enough and I don't want to do anything that hurt her more" Lusamine said, shouting at Wicke

"Yeah, you are right. I am sorry but as your friend, I wanted you to be happy because I have not seen you laugh like that for a long time" Wicke said with a sad expression

"I know Wicke, sorry for shouting at you and thanks for thinking about me"

"I hope you find happiness Lusamine" Wicke whisper to herself

"What? Did you say anything?"

"No, you might have misheard" Wicke said, following Lusamine


While all of this was happening, Sid and the gang didn't know about what happened at Aether Foundation

"Why did you do it to me?" I asked in a angry tone after I changed back

"Did what?" Mallow asked in a innocent tone

"You know what I am talking about"

"But we just helped you change" Lillie spoke while giggling a little

"But I didn't wanted that help"

"Oh, we didn't knew about that but tell me, if we have not changed you than would you have wore them yourself?" Lana asked


"That's why. We were required to do it if we wanted to go to the trip. You might had escaped it if Kiawe and Sophocles came but you also helped them getting out of it" Lana said

Well, what she is saying is also right. When Kiawe and Sophocles asked Professor Kukui to not attend the Pokemon Centre to get work experience, I helped them because I thought that maybe I could flirt with each of them and may get some quality time with them. I never thought that it would turn out this way

"Hey everyone, have you the things we will need in the trip we are going on" Serena spoke, changing the topic

After that, the girls started to talk about the upcoming trip on which we will go day after tomorrow. I am looking forward to this trip because if I am not wrong than a special stage is set but I will steal the show