Chapter 29 Half Woman

The evening tea had just been served. Vandita and Awnirudh sat at their favourite spot in the banglow, the terrace garden. They heartily chatted away their thoughts, aspirations, fears... it was as easy a discourse for them as breathing.

They were one... their hearts bound by a common string of trust and respect, a string that they were yet to give a name to.

"Mira... What a lovely name!" Vandita had remarked, as both read the letter from Dr. Suresh together.

Awnirudh looked up to meet her eyes as she continued to speak. Her eyes were large and dreamy, and all Awnirudh could think was to dive deeper in the infinite depth of those eyes.

"She had worshipped and loved her lord her entire life, and in return, had only received desolation and heartache." Vandita sighed unmindfully.