Chapter 32 In This Together

There was an unseen air of altruism that aided the two hearts to find solace in each other's company.

Vandita, for the first time that evening had witnessed something extraordinary in Awnirudh's eyes. She had seen care, love, pride, anger and even lust, reflecting in the mirrors of his soul... But, what she saw that night was different. It was awe! Awnirudh was awed by his little Vandita.

"She has indeed grown up!" He had thought, as he couldn't help but feel a sense of deep respect and pride for her.

Vandita on the other hand, was torn. 'Kshitija had called her a half woman... incomplete, and she had sulked on Awnirudh the entire evening. She had cursed herself for being so naïve, she had cursed herself for being so blindly in love with Awnirudh and she had even resolved to pay him back! But pay back whom? Awnirudh was not her enemy!' Vandita's thoughts had waged a war in her heart and mind all along..