10: The first asset [pt1]

Keith had no time to rest since Clair opened the door within fifteen minutes of Shimi's leave.

"So, did you have fun? Did your dick feel good when Shimi went down on you? Or, did you - woahhhh. Be careful."

Keith did not appreciate Clair's sassy words. The girl had no remorse for privacy or decency. She quickly moved toward Keith's bed and jumped on it.

Clair's body might be young but she did know how to work her non-existing curves. Keith knew it was not right to look at Clair when she was behaving in a compromised pose, but he could not help it.

"Perv. You just spent time with Shimi in bed but you are still horny? Can you be serious for once?"

Keith had been trained in the art that was called 'shamelessness' which made him immune to all kinds of degenerate terms.

"Well, sorry for being a hot-blooded male and being attracted to the opposite sex. If you want some kind of refund then go ask for one."

Clair looked disappointed at the lack of reaction from Keith. But Keith was not here to entertain her in any way, shape, or form. His eyes were also getting watery due to sleep.

The last thing Keith was able to remember seeing was Clair's calculating glance as she looked Keith up and down. Her eyes said that she had a lot planned for Keith.

'Fuck it. I am too tired to care about Clair right now. All I want to do is to sleep.'

With those final complaints being raised in his mind, Keith fell asleep. He knew he would need energy for dealing with the upcoming day.


Someone was touching Keith and he tried to get away from the cold hands. He felt like a kid again, trying to get in just 'five more minutes of sleep'.

However, it was unlikely for Keith to get any more sleep than he had gotten initially. The cold hands left him for just a few seconds before he was dragged out of bed.

Keith could feel his body moving and by the time he was aware of what happened, he was standing outside the building he has spent his night.

He was not the only one who appeared to be ready. A dozen other people looked ready to leave as well and their nervous energies filled up the space.

Keith was confused about how he got to stand out there all dressed and ready to go. But he did not want to ask the question and risk being found out.

He looked to sound like an idiot by asking how he got ready for the day.

Not that he needed to. He could see Clair standing beside him and when Keith turned toward her, she mouthed a 'you're welcome' back at him. The one behind Keith's early welfare routine was Clair.

She also shot him a signal that they had discussed before. It was the signal to 'go ahead and get the operation started.'

"So, if everyone is here we will head out. Those who did not manage to make it on time do not deserve to come with us."

Keith cried silent tears as he made his intentions known to everyone. He knew that he needed to act like a strict Grandmaster if he did not want to be found out as a fraud.

Still, more than half of the people had decided not to show up during this mission which meant that there would be less manpower. Keith could not even see Shinzou which sucked. None of the other masters were present as well.

Well, none of Keith wanted to see at least. The only grandmasters who had managed to make time for this mission were Master Fushi (which was a shaky relationship) and Master Hina, the weakest of the masters.

From what Keith knew of Master Hina, she was not only the weakest of the masters but also someone whose head was stuck in a 'romantic world'. She was often disconnected from reality

This was a team doomed to fail no matter how you looked at it.

*Cough* "I hope no incident will take place this time and we will all be able to get back home safely."

'No, don't say those ominous words, Master Hina. Do you not know that things would go wrong for certain if you say words like those?'

Keith was freaking out inside his mind even as he looked to be unaffected on the outside. His calm facade made it seem like he had no problem with Hina's confidence.

"There is no need to fear Hina. we have the grandmaster with us so surely nothing would go wrong. What is a disappointment is that most of the other masters decided not to show up. Isn't this an insult to the grandmaster?"

It was difficult to tell if Master Fushi was angry or mocking Keith. Her voice was very hard to read even for Keith who had liked her hard once upon a time.

And the pressure of Master Fushi's eyes pinned Keith in place. He was not able to move once she zoned her attention at him.

(unknown to him, he appeared as a calm and unfeeling master which got Keith much admiration. Even Master Fushi had to look impressed as Keith did not bait any attention to her killing intent.

Just how great was the grandmaster to not even register these small matters as important? Truly, he was the real deal, alright.)

"There is no need for anyone to worry. The Skinner demons are all but worms, not even worth our consideration. Those who are capable will live on and get stronger, so do not fear."

'I am that weakling incapable of living. So please protect me.'

Those were the words Keith wanted to say more than anything. But his mouth and his situation had different ideas.

His small speech caused the other soldiers to get fired up. They all exchanged looks of admiration before erupting into cheerful chants.

"Grandmaster is right. These demons are nothing in front of our might."

"We will return victorious. The grandmaster will show us the way."

"Of course, with the grandmaster on our side, what do we have to fear? We will eradicate all these demons for sure."

The more Keith heard these chants, the more worried he got for himself and everyone else as well. These people were putting in a little 'too much' trust in him as a grandmaster.

And the pressure was going to cause Keith to break into hysteria. Or even worse, get a heart attack soon. The options were endless when it came to ending one's life.

Just when Keith felt like it was getting too much pressure, his saviors managed to enter the scene.

Shizou's red hair was shining in the early morning light.

"Ya, I hope I am not late to this party. I overslept a little, but I am finally here to help. Oh, Grandmaster, I will act as your bodyguard for today so you can sit back and relax."

Keith was lucky today since Shinzouu entered right on time and gave Keith the best news he could have.

Since Shinzouu was the second most powerful master in the organization, Keith was sure that he would be kept safe no matter what.

'No, don't show such obvious happiness. I need to stay calm no matter how glad I am about Keith's arrival.'

Keith coughed very audibly but pretended like it was all an accident. He was about to announce Keith's role when master Fushi decided to open her mouth and ruin the moment.

"Hey, this is not fair. Master Shinzou was late so we should not reward him with such an honour. We cannot allow such a lost man to guard the grandmaster."

'NO, don't say that. He's the only one who will protect me in case someone tries to kill me. I can not afford to lose him.'

If Keith had the capability, he would have begged Master Fushi to keep quiet and Shinzou to not leave his side. There was a good chance that Keith would get assassinated once he was alone.

"Master Fushi, I know that you have the uttermost faith in the grandmaster's abilities but we cannot afford to be lax in security. An assassination attempt was made on the grandmaster's life not too long ago. We should practice caution."

'Yes, you should. A magicless person such as I require all kinds of protection.'

Keith agreed with Shinzou in his mind and vowed to keep close to him while they were out. Shinzou was the only one on his side after all.

"I know the risk of sending the grandmaster alone more than you but I am still worried that you will get too distracted, Master Shinzou. Why not allow me the pleasure to guard the grandmaster instead?"

'No, don't. Don't feed me to the shark, Shinzou. I beg you not to agree.'

But Keith could not speak. He could pray with his breath held in his throat for Shinzou to get his message.