31: Calm down [pt2]

"Grandmaster, I will take responsibility for this man and take him under my wing. You do not need to be concerned about anything."

Master Shinzou sure was energetic and Keith decided to let him be for now. He did not want to interfere with this man and his intentions.

"Do what you want to. But before that, there is something I need to know."

Everyone paid attention to what Keith was saying, even the assassin turned to believe who had managed to sneak into the mansion.

Keith cleared his throat to sound more demanding and elegant. His back straightened even more and his confidence was at its peak.

"What happened to the mother pearl? Did you snatch it up as well? You better tell me the truth or I will have to whip the answer out of you."

Keith regretted the question as soon as it passed his lips. The former assassin had shuddered when he heard Keith's words. And that shudder had certainly not indicated any discomfort.

'Let's not open that can of worms. Let's not think about why this man shuddered in delight over my words.'

"O-Oh, that mother pearl? Our guild did get the commission to steal it but it was handled by someone else. Darn it. If I knew just how great of a man the grandmaster was, I would surely have stolen the pearl back from my guild and kept it safe."

The former assassin lamented his back luck, his fists posed in front of him in a dramatic pose. He looked ridiculous in Keith's eyes but everyone else seemed to be tearing up at his performance.

Master Shinzou looked especially moved and even had tears in his eyes.

"S-Such devotion! Such feelings! Your dedication has moved me, my friend. I shall take you under my wing ASAP and we shall be eternal friends who share the same goal."

Master Shinzou caught the former assassin's hand on his own, dragging the taller body toward him.

"Wow, talk about drama. I never thought I would see such an emotional bond of 'brotherhood' form between the static Master Shinzou and a former assassin."

Clair seemed to be the only other one who found this scene ridiculous and she let Keith know. Her voice was low enough as to not make anyone else aware of what she was saying.

"I know, right? The only way this situation could become even more ridiculous is if someone came barging in right now-"

No sooner had Keith said that, the door to their room was smashed open. And it was none other than Shimi who came barging in.

"I am here to save you, grandmaster. Don't fear anymore because I am-"

Shimi realized a little late where she was. She was clothed in a rather inappropriate dress, revealing the top of her breasts and her belly button.

Keith quickly found himself standing in front of Shimi, his training, and his body's memories guiding him to hide Shimi.

"I think you should go back and change before arriving here again."

Keith turned back to look at Shimi with a scolding tone. Shimi's face had gone red with shame but she did not look as shocked as Keith expected her to look.

Shimi left the scene quickly and Keith also fell in place. The way his body had reacted told Keith that this was not the first time something like this had happened.

Shimi had a lack of situational awareness that made her do foolish things. But it was manageable somehow this far.


"Now that all the distractions are done, I would like everyone but Clair, Shinzou, and our new member to leave."

No one questioned the grandmaster once he had issued an order. Some looked even glad to be leaving such a stiff gathering. They had seen their grandmaster in action already so it was enough for them.

Once everyone but the mentioned people was gone, Keith took a seat and asked everyone else to take a seat as well.

Clair was the first one to follow his commands, not caring how that looked in front of the other two. Master Shinzou looked angry at Clair's lack of respect but he did not say anything. The former assassin kept on standing, not moving for the time being.

"Grandmaster, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Long Dong, an assassin from the mercenary guild. Forgive my insolence for having targeted you."

Keith visibly choked as soon as he heard the name.

He might not be Chinese but he had read enough web novels to know what the meaning of that name was in its original language. And he had to try hard to not laugh at the situation.

'No, don't laugh. Don't lose this battle, Keith. This name might not mean the same in this world as it does in our own.'

This was a fictional world made up of someone's imagination. Keith could not lose it here.

"I see. Do your name…Long Dong…huh? Take a seat because we will be having a long talk about what you know and where the mother pearl could be right now. As you are aware, it is one of our sacred treasures we cannot lose."

Keith gestured for the former assassin to sit down but the man dropped to his knees. He looked determined to help Keith out.

"Of course, I will help however I can. I will tell you all you need to know to get the mother pearl back. I will also gather information from the guild if you want me to."

Long Dong offered and Keith took him up on his offer.

"Continue" Keith ordered and the former assassin lost all his hesitation.

"The one who ordered the theft of the mother pearl was Lady Olivia Greenwood, the leader of the guild 'Crimson Lotus'. We did not ask why she wanted the pearl but she was interested in this commission. She even paid a hefty sum to get it done."

The former assassin explained all this was a straight face. He did not mince his words and spoke as it was.

Keith knew he had heard the name of this 'Olivia; lady before but he could not remember where. Her guild sounded familiar as well.

"A-A council member? How dare that greenwood try to steal from the grandmaster. I shall go and interrogate her right now."

Shinzou was almost on his feet when Keith remembered where he had heard the name 'Olivia Greenwood' before.

She was one of the council members who had fallen for the second protagonist Adrian Smith. She was also the one who gave him the mother pearl which allowed him a massive advantage.

'To think that she had it all planned so much in advance. I cannot let my guard down even this early.'

Keith was bitter but he was adjusting to his circumstances. Now that he knew about it all in advance, he could prepare himself and take the mother pearl back.

"Master Shinzou, calm yourself down. I know that you are angry at Lady Olivia's betrayal but we need to think about it all rationally. She's still a member of our council and a highly intelligent lady at that. We cannot accuse her out of the blue."

The biggest disadvantage they had was their lack of evidence regarding Lady Olivia. There was no written record about this on her side and the mercenary guild would not hand them over.

Besides, there were a lot of public opinions mixed behind this accident. They could not let the news of their losing the mother pearl in the open. It would be beyond disastrous.

"B-But grandmaster-"

"Don't worry Shinzou. I have the plan to get the mother pearl back and to pay lady Olivia back for all the humiliation she had shown me. By the time I am finished with her, she would wish that she never played games with me."

Keith's confidence showed up on his face and it assured Master Shinzou as well as Long Dong.

The only one who noticed his discomfort was Clair, but she was wise enough to keep her mouth shut. She needed not to interfere if Keith wanted to dig his own grave.

Meanwhile, Keith was sweating bullets as he spoke those words. He had not meant to open his big mouth and say all this, but the damage had been done.

'Well, time to start planning and studying. It seems as if the world is out to get me now so I cannot back out as well.'

Before this point, Keith had not felt so hopeless but he was beginning to understand that the events of the story would happen whether he acted like a villain or not.

So it was better for him to embrace his role and become fully fleshed oufleshed-outThat might be the only way for him to survive past his death scene.

"I will tell you all my plans tomorrow. Meanwhile, gather as much information as you can."