38: Offer of freedom [pt2]

"M-Master, you are free to come in now. Master said that he would meet you."

Keith had a bad feeling about being invited inside but he decided to press it down. It was something he had asked for after all.

Amelia chose to accompany him inside as well. She was wearing a hoodie so she was not recognized by anyone in the room. That was why no one stopped her when she accompanied Keith to the back rooms.

"Our master is a benevolent man and someone close to the grandmaster. Since I like you people, I will give you a warning  - don't mess with him if you want to live a happy life."

The officer bragged with a happy and prideful expression. His every word dripped with admiration about the grandmaster and his boss.

'Hoh. Look at this little officer bragging about how close his 'boss' and the 'grandmaster' is. But he doesn't even recognize who I am? Who is this man kidding?'