65: Hunt for ingredients [pt2]

"Look at it, that beautiful and big flower. Oh, how I wish I could take it and plant it into my back garden for its nectar anytime." 

Bell wondered as she pointed toward the big, red flower lying in the center of the field. Keith instantly recognized it as the Rafflesia flower from the game. It looked like the real Rafflesia flower with some…creative liberties taken.

'Look at those teeth on the inside of the flower. They look sharp enough to break bones.'

Keith flinched internally as soon as he noticed the 'additional' parts this Rafflesia had on its body. That was the part where Rafflesia kept its nectar so those teeth-like appendages needed to be dealt with somehow.

"We just need the nectar of this plant, right? That should be easy."

Arcana sounded confident but she had also taken care of every other danger until now so it was given that she was confident.