72: The up-side down village [pt1]

"Excuse me, but can you take a look at this map and tell me where this village is?"

Keith was currently in an underground pub with his new getup and identity in toe. People were eying him with suspicion as he was a new face in the underground scene.

But just as people were suspicious of him, many were intrigued by him as well. Keith was sure they were observing him to see what his real intentions were.

"Hmm, let me see the map. What the hell is this? I cannot read anything on it. Man, you got scammed hard times because of this map. You might want to get your money back for it."

The bartender looked at the map, tilting it up and down but he was unable to read it. Keith had expected this outcome so he quickly snatched the map back in his hands.

The people on the side looked even more intrigued by his behavior now. They were taking note of him and who he was. Some were even beginning to try and approach him by now.