77: A thrilling rush [pt2]

"O-Oh god, I am still alive. I cannot believe I managed to survive the demon dogs with my fragile body."

Clement dramatically whaled as he checked up on himself. He was surprised that he had managed to live this far and it was all thanks to his mysterious partner.

When he had picked this kid to help, he had not been serious about it. A lot of people tried to get out of this place but they gave up as soon as they saw this cliff and the demonic dog. 

Clement was responsible for breaking the spirits of rebellious people and making them want to stay in the village.

Never in his life had he thought he would see the top of this cliff in such a manner. A lot of unusual things had happened in a day and Clement had a feeling it was all thanks to this man in front of him.

"Clement, get up and start moving. This is no time to be resting around like this."