82: Contract with the unknown [pt1]

When Alice talked about sharing her secret to control her aura, Keith wanted to get up and sit straight. He wanted to shake Alice until she vomited all her secrets.

But that would blow over Keith's secret and he would end up not getting anything in return. So, he kept his half-unconscious position.

The bite from Mofu-Mofu hurt but it had been expected when someone bit into his skin with sharp teeth. However, the skin had not broken and the injury was minimal.

And as Keith lacked any mana in his soul, he was not in pain or on the verge of blowing up as well. He could act as well as he needed to.

"Don't worry, I will help you out. You know, you remind me of myself. There was a time both I and my sister were unable to feel mana and aura as well. But we overcame it with the help of artificial sensors. But unfortunately, we only found two of them fully working."