92: Getting into the competition [pt2]

There were quite a few significant characters who appeared in the first part of the MMO and Arata Musakabe was one of those faces.

On paper, he was just a lowly member of the guild alliance, someone who had enough power and fame to be noticeable but not enough credit to climb the ladder and reach the 'more influential' parts of the guild ladder.

Of course, that was only on paper. But, Arata Musakabe was a sneaky one, keeping low to avoid trouble.

He was someone who had connections and could get you anything you could pay for. Too bad that his price was not always money so most people avoided him for this.

"Do you need something from me? I could not help but notice that you were staring at me quite passionately all this while. Ah, I am sorry to say this but I am quite a devoted man and I love my partner too much so I won't be going out on a date with you."

Arata Musakabe hugged himself as he made assumptions about why Keith was there.