96: The first hurdle [pt1]

Keith dismissed the other three soon after that. In his hasty to be alone, Keith forgot to ask an important question - the name of the person who would be his competition.

By the time Keith was reminded that he had to ask this question, it was already the next day. And it would be out of character for someone like Grandmaster to ask this question to anyone.

'I guess I will be finding out who my competition is directly when I compete. Not that it would change anything in the end.'

The next day was bright and full of sunshine. There was no sight of cloud in Keith's sight which made his mood worse. Why did today have to be such a shining and bright day? Just looking at the sun was bringing Keith down.

Before leaving the guild, Keith made sure he paid a visit to Clair. He needed to get her input in case she was not able to tell Keith something important beforehand.