140: The town after me [pt1]

The old lady was gone before Keith could ask her any questions and that was enough to raise a few question marks in his mind. 

Suddenly, the idea of going to check out the lake did not look half as appealing as it had before. He had to wonder if that was some kind of trap he was falling into or not.

But since he did not have any other lead now, chasing after the hint was all he could do. So, Keith left a message for Clair from his old phone and decided to change his destination.

He was going to check the right lake himself.

The town on the right side was eerie and silent. If he had been uncomfortable before, now Keith was outright spooked by the atmosphere.

People were not even trying to hide that they were keeping an eye on Keith now. Their attention burned and Keith flinched as he was faced with the hollow eyes.