143: An important connection [pt2]

Keith had not coughed loudly, but the noise was still enough to attract everyone's attention toward him. 

Edward Steward had stars in his eyes as he noticed the Grandmaster. It was a way a fan looked at their idol and tried to get closer to them suddenly. That look spelled trouble for Keith and he knew it.

'Pull yourself together, Keith. You cannot be getting distracted right now.'

Keith smacked himself in his mind and looked up at the group in front of him. Most of the people were paying attention to what he had to say about this situation. Even the government grunts were waiting for his orders.

"First, we need to get this town under control. I did not spend a lot of money here to have the most uncomfortable time of my life. Then, we need to find the mastermind behind this incident. I need to have a word with those people."