151: Escaping the hive

The pair walked into the hive with excited but worried expressions. There was a lack of sound and a lack of presence around them. It was almost as if the whole world had come to a standstill and was now trying to hide something big.

Standing in the hive was not the most secure feeling Keith had ever experienced. 

"Ugh, this place gives me the creeps. Are you sure it is safe for us to keep moving forward like this?"

Luna questioned as her body forcefully suppressed the shiver. What a nightmarish place this was. 

Not to mention, the ground beneath her foot was trying to force something out of her. She was thankful that she was wearing shoes. Otherwise, something tragic would have happened by now.

"For now, we do not have any choice but to keep moving ahead. The map says that there is a ticket just a little further ahead. We will not need to head toward the queen's room."

That was the only benefit Keith could see while looking for the ticket.