158: Fast and reckless [pt1]

Once Keith had gotten the message from Master Hana, he knew he would have to drop everything and go help her out. She sounded desperate so Keith was interested to know what was happening with her.

And to help Master Hana out, Keith would have to travel into her territory. 

But the bigger question here was - whom should Keith take with him for this? He wanted to take Shinzou or Clair, but both were a little preoccupied now.

"Hmm, let us see. Since Master Hana's territory crosses the Elf's Forest, I guess it would be a good idea to take Shimi with me. She might know a thing or two about the Elf Forest."

For some reason, Keith did not want to trust Shimi with matters regarding the Elf Forest in Master Hana's territory. But even Keith knew Shimi was his best option to cross the forest safely. 

Being a half-elf gave Shimi a huge advantage over anyone else when it came to the Elf Forest. And that was something Keith wanted to take advantage of.