161: The road of fog [pt2]

The fog of the Elf Forest was treacherous. It would not allow one's consciousness to remain unphased and it would try to lure the visitor off-track with its sweet words.

Usually, only full-born high-elf had resistance to this fog. Their highly concentrated and pure magic made the fog run away from them in fright. And that was why, the only specie that could survive in this forest were elves.

Of course, that did not apply to Shimi since she was a half-elf. Even if one-half of her blood belonged to a high elf, the other half was contaminated with dark desire. Her combination was unholy and the perfect bait for such a place.

'I hope the grandmaster is not having as hard a time as I am having. Unlike me, he is a human and he needs to learn not to learn how to combat this fog.'

Shimi was worried about the grandmaster. But when she finally looked at him, he seemed to be doing even better than Shimi. It was almost as if he did not notice the fog around him.