166: The fog of battle [pt2]

"I apologize, Grandmaster. In the end, we were not able to find anything of importance in this place. All we did was waste our time here."

Shimi sounded sorry and responsible for having dragged the grandmaster into the elf village. It was not her fault, but Shimi was still feeling responsible for what happened anyway.

She knew how dangerous the village could get. She had not informed the grandmaster of the possibility of facing the Fenrir beast. And then the Grandmaster had faced it anyway.

"Stop thinking unnecessary thoughts. Do not forget, I was the one who dragged you to come to this village. Now throw those unnecessary thoughts out of your head and let us head back. Being here for too long will make my head hurt."

Keith pretended like he was feeling off and even clutched his head. But he did not have any such ailments in real life.

If anything, he just wanted to go home because this place gave him a creepy feeling.