169: The elves are back? [pt3]

The pair was not happy with what was going on in this village. They knew that something was wrong with this village for sure, but they did not know what the feeling of this 'wrong' feeling was.

"Let us find Shimi and Himeko first. I am sure that they will be able to shed more light on what is going on."

Master Hana seemed to be counting on the fact that both Shimi and Himeko were half-elves and they would be better suited for such a place.

And maybe, the elves would be more suited to trust them than outsiders like the Grandmaster or even Master Hana. 

But somehow, Keith was not as optimistic as Master Hana was. He had seen the way Shimi had flinched and seen this place in the bad light. There was no way she was treated right in this place.

His brain also hurt when he looked at the village. Something about the streets was beginning to look familiar to him.