178: Seeds of rebellion [pt1]

Keith would not call himself the most observant human. His senses did not catch many things when it came to his surroundings.

But he had to admit that he had become much more sensitive since he had stepped into this world. And as such, his instincts were guiding Keith toward a better path in his life.

So, when his instincts told him to follow the shadow he saw before, Keith decided to follow through.

And now, here he was. Covering his face with a cloak and following the shadow he saw from the upper corridor of Master Hana's palace.

The figure running away from him was fast and effective. He seemed to know where he had to go to escape. Keith would have lost him a few times if not for his instincts. But finally, he managed to follow the other human to a shabby and run-down yard.

The man looked around once, twice, and then pushed his cloak down from his face.

'Shit, a protagonist? I thought I drove him away, but he is back already?'