185: The call of the incense [pt1] R-18

Losing control over his body was a scary thing. But what was even scarier was not being able to feel anything but the pleasure flashing all over him. Keith's body was devouring the mouth in front of it.

His hard cock was rubbing against a soft stomach and the demoness sighed against Keith's lips before opening her mouth and allowing him entry.

The action seemed quite instinctual on her part as well since the demoness did not seem to know what to do with her hands.

And then, the demoness bit Keith's lips, and a sharp pain brought him back to his senses.

"Y-You are worse than a demon. I will be going back now."

The demoness tried to leave the room but the incense she had burned was beginning to affect herself as well.

The demons, having not expected such a twist in the story, were pissed off. She was about to head out and give the owner a piece of her mind when her path was blocked by a strong arm.