197: A mother's touch [pt2]

The elf woman sat in the middle of the room. Around her were some familiar faces just lying around and relaxing. 

No matter how Keith looked at it, it was a weird scene. But the more Keith tried to pinpoint what was wrong, the more his brain pointed out that he was being ridiculous. And it even forced Keith to walk into the room.

Before Keith knew it, he was standing in front of the eld and looking down at her. The elf looked up at Keith with a calm expression on her face, her gaze not flinching away from Keith's.

"Ah, are you here because you miss your mother's comfort as well? Then come and be embraced by me. I will make you forget your mother and any other person you are missing."

The elf opened her arms as an invitation for Keith to hug her. Keith had no desire to hug the elf in his mind, but his body wanted to move.

Keith had to use a lot of self-restraint to keep his body unmoving and stoic. His cold expression made the elf frown.