200: Decision to act

The solution Adrian had told their group was simple in theory. But in practice, no one wanted to bow their head in front of the goddess.

Even Keith, who was always ready to try the peaceful way of life, was not ready to become the goddess's slave just for the sake of bringing peace to this town.

"No way. I am not bowing my head in front of an egomaniac like a goddess. And for it to be the goddess of prosperity? I would rather see this town become a ghost town."

Clair denied the possibility of this favour. Her determined expression was somewhat mirrored by Keith.

He was sure that if he ordered the others to bow down to the goddess, they would. But his ego as the grandmaster would not allow him to issue that order. Keith was happy and terrified of his 'pretend' nature.

"Alright, so begging the goddess is out of the question for you people. Well, the only other thing you can do is to wait for the goddess to come around. Or kill her and end this curse."