


Guess how much sleep I got last night?


After Charlotte left I was paranoid that those dudes would come back, but I was terrified that they were going to do something to her.

I couldn't follow her even if I wanted to since I can't drive to save my life and my mom took the car since she had work.

I jump out of bed as I hear a banging a the door again.

They can't possibly be back.

I groan before I march out of my room and down the stairs before I swing the door open.

/"Look assholes, I don't know-/" I say before I see Kayden standing there while looking at me with a shocked expression

/"I just came by to take you to school/" he says as he raises his hands in surrender which causes me to look at him in confusion

/"How do you know where I live? And who told you to take me to school, Charlotte always takes me/" I say in confusion

/"Charlotte asked me to take you to school, she also gave me your address/" he says which causes me to gape at him

Why isn't she taking me to school?

More importantly, why isn't she going to school?!

/"Do you know where she is?/" I ask calmly but inside there's a tornado of emotions going on

/"No, I don't. When she called me she sounded urgent though/" he says which causes me to groan

What is she involved with?

She's never been this distant before.

/"Come in, I have to get ready though/" I say as I step aside to let him through

He nods as he walks through the door. I close the door behind him and tell him where the kitchen is before I run upstairs so that I can quickly pick out an outfit.

I pick out a white off the shoulder top and a pair of black skinny jeans with rips in the knee. I chose a pair of white converse to finish off the outfit.

I quickly got dressed before I put my hair in a half up half down hairstyle and applied concealer onto my cheek.

I grabbed my glasses before walking into my bathroom so that I could quickly brush my teeth.

When I was finished getting ready I ran downstairs so that I could eat before I was late for school.

I walk into the kitchen to see Kayden stuffing his face with lucky charms.

/"You look like a chipmunk/" I comment before I take out some fresh fruit so that I could make a smoothie

/"Am I Alvin or Theodore?/" He retorts with a smirk which causes me to laugh as my mom walks into the kitchen with a confused look on her face

/"Where's Charlotte?/" She asks with a confused tone

/"I don't know yet, but this is Kayden/" I say calmly since I don't want her to call the police

/"Hello Miss Bailey/" he greets with a smile before holding out his hand in my mother's direction which she politely shakes

My mom doesn't know how to act towards new people since she was never popular in school.

Ironic isn't it.


As we arrive at school I get stared at and some people start to whisper

Do I have food on my face?

I quickly walk down the hallway, with a racing heart, until I reach my first period class. I walk to the back of the class and sit in my seat only to have some people look back at me and whisper.

What is going on?!

/"Hey Aspen/" I hear Kayden say as he sits in the seat beside me

/"You practically ran through the hall. Are you okay?/" He asks with a concerned tone which causes me to turn towards him

/"Yeah, I just don't like gossip/" I say which causes his smile to fall as he looks at me with an apologetic expression

/"Then you're not going to like this,/" he says which causes me to look at him with wide eyes

It can't possibly get any worse.

/"Everyone thinks that you and Charlotte are secretly dating/" he says which causes my eyebrows to shoot up my forehead

He did not just say what I think he did.

/"What?!/" I shout louder than expected which causes everyone's eyes to turn towards me. I look down at the desk as I blush from embarrassment.

/"There's a video going around that shows you and Charlotte hugging while she's whispering to you before you both look into each other's eyes. It ends with her opening your door for you/" he says which causes me to look up at him with a confused expression

/"Do you know who made it?/" I ask

/"No, no one does/" he says which causes me to groan

Why can't it be Christmas break already?!

/"Are you and Charlotte dating?/" I hear someone ask from in front of me which causes me to roll my eyes

/"That's between her and I/" I say since no one would believe me if I said no

This video must have made us look really compromising if people are seriously questioning Charlotte and I's friendship.

/"Did you dump Charlotte for Kayden?/" She asks which causes me to stare at her incredulously as I observe her

That's has to be one of the dumbest questions I've ever heard.

/"Hey, don't you write our schools newspaper?/" I ask which makes her smile

/"No one usually knows that/" she says matter of factly which causes me to smile

/"If I tell you the truth, can you tell other people. I'm not trying to ruin Charlotte's reputation/" I say with a sad smile

I know that Charlotte doesn't care about her reputation. I just don't want her to feel awkward around me when she comes back to school.

With her I never really know how she's going to react.

/"Of course/" she says as excitement radiates off of her

/"Charlotte and I are not dating, we're just best friends. That video was taken out of context/" I say which causes the girl to frown

/"That's disappointing. I personally thought that you both would make an adorable couple/" she says before she walks away and talks to her friend

/"See, I'm not the only one who thinks that/" Kayden says which causes me to roll my eyes

/"Well sorry to burst your bubble, again./" I say remembering the time at lunch when he asked if Charlotte and I were dating

/"But Charlotte and I will never date each other. We've been best friends for so long that dating would make things weird/" I say

/"I wouldn't be so sure that it can't happen/" he says which causes me to look at him with a confused facial expression before the teacher walks into the room and starts the lesson
