

---Ice Cream Solves Everything-01

/"Ice cream?/" Kayden asks as we walk out of the police station

/"Who eats ice cream at twelve in the morning?/" I ask him as I laugh

I spent eight hours going through that stack of papers and I don't want to see another paper anytime soon.

/"Who doesn't eat ice cream at twelve in the morning?/" He asks as he holds the passenger door open for me

/"Touché/" I say as I climb into the car


/"No way!/" I shout as he pulls into the parking spot of my favorite ice cream shop

/"You get ice cream from Hola Bonheur's too?/" I say excitedly as I turn in my seat to face him with a wide smile

/"Of course. He makes the best ice cream in town/" Kayden states like it's a fact

Which it is.

When he turns the engine off I quickly hop out of the car and run into the empty ice cream shop.