


Remember when I said that things couldn't possibly get worse?

Well, they got worse.

As I was leaving second period I got surrounded by people who bombarded me with the same three questions.

Are you and Charlotte dating?

Are the rumors true?

Have you guys kissed yet?

I guess Kayden saw me internally freaking out because he pushed his way through the crowd and led Charlotte into the room.

When her eyes immediately spotted me they softened before she put a hard look on and elbowed her way through the crowd.

As she approaches me everyone suddenly goes quiet and watches us eagerly.

/"Are you okay?/" She asks softly as she examines me for any injuries

/"Um,yeah/" I say quietly since all I want to do is get out of this classroom

She wraps her arm around my shoulder which causes me to latch onto her waist as she pushes her way through the crowd.